About Us
FTC was started in 2003 offering B.Th., M. Div., M.Th., degree courses through correspondence course. Later it was converted to Residential course in 2009 offering B.Th., & M. Div. course. Presently, the college offers Dip. Th/ B. Th/ M. Div / M. Th (Residential) & B. Th/ M. Div / M. Th (Correspondence).
Our vision
Our vision is to train up born again young women & men to serve the Lord effectively among the Christian and Non- Christians.

Faith Theological College
Imparting Quality Theological Education since 2003.
Associated with Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong
Recognized by Higher Education Government of Nagaland.
Accredited by NATA/ IATA / GATA.
Process of Membership/ Accreditation with Asia Theological Association (ATA)
- Go and make disciples of all nations.
- Preach the Gospel in and out of
- Teaching them to obey the Commandment of Jesus.
- Set an exemplary life to the people in speech, conduct and faith till he comes.
- Fulfilling the great commission of Jesus Christ is the task of every believer.