Admission Details


  1. Diploma in Theology (Dip. Th)
  2. Bachelor of Theology (B. Th)
  3. Master of Divinity (M. Div)
  4. Master of Theology (M. Th)


  1. Bachelor of Theology (B. Th)
  2. Master of Divinity (M. Div)
  3. Master of Theology (M. Th)


  • Original documents of all Certificates and Marksheet.
  • Attested Xerox copies of all Certificate /Marksheet & 3 passport photos.
  • Recommendation from the Local Church Pastor.
  • Medical fitness Certificate from a Registered Medical Officer.
  • Baptism Certificate issued by the Church.
  • No Objection Certificate or previous college certificate / transcript ( for transfer student).
  • Sponsorship letter from sponsoring body (church / family / individual).

Note : Student must come with parent or guardian at the time of Admission. Application without full documents will be rejected.


Faith Theological College (FTC) has been established with a great aim and object which will give glory and honour to our Almighty God by moulding and shaping the mind and heart of young men and women to a Godly life and become useful instrument for God and His Kingdom alone. Since the students at this college are given admission on the basis of their personal testimony, it is essential that all the students should live a Godly life both inside and outside the campus. The college authority lay down certain rules and regulations to govern the student body at the college. Any student who break these rules will result to appropriate action as per the rules or upto the extend of dismissal from the college.


  • Every applicant must submit duly filled application attached with 2 passport size photo alongwith original certificate and transcript at the time of admission.
  • Every applicant must write the entrance exam on Bible Knowledge, General Knowledge and English Grammar. He/She must pass the entrance exam and appear the personal interview in order to qualify for admission.
  • Attested Xerox copies of Certificate /marksheet has to be submitted to the office.


  • No student is allowed to entertain guest and opposite sex in the dormitory.
  • Room leaders are entrusted to maintain their hostel room neat and clean.
  • No Student is allowed to use room heater/ water heater, music system, radio/tape etc in the room.
  • Earphone/Headphone is not allowed in the hostel room and within the campus.
  • Surprise visit can be done anytime by the college authority/faculty and warden.
  • Students are directed to take care of their own belongings / property.
  • Fighting among the student is not allowed and problem should be solved peacefully.


  • All the students should be punctual in class, chapel and other activities. Violators will face disciplinary action.
  • Absence from the class, worship chapel service, morning devotion, study hour and other activities conducted by the college will be charged Rs.20/- per service class etc as penalty to be submitted every month.
  • All the students must attend Sunday morning service without fail. In case, if he/she is involving in any ministry, he/she must give monthly report with seal and signature from the Pastor/Director.
  • Cell phone must be submitted to the college authority/hostel warden during week days (from Monday Morning till Friday evening ). Apart from that Mobile has to be switch off during Sunday service and all college program.
  • Cell phone is not allowed inside the classroom & chapel hall.
  • Full uniform is compulsory for all classes.
  • Student should not interfere in college Administration such as appointment of faculty / subject matter / dropping of faculty etc.


  • All the students are directed to use English to communicate with one another in the campus. Using unauthorized language in the campus will be fined accordingly. Language fine of Rs.20/- will be collected by the concerned warden or authorized student leader.
  • Carrying bangles, necklaces, tattoo marks are strictly prohibited.
  • Talab, Khani, alcohol, drugs, smoking, drinking etc is strictly prohibited. If found violating, it can lead to dismissal from the college.
  • Love affairs is not allowed and students have to concentrate on their studies and their own works.
  • Students have to join morning manual work without fail. No one will be exempt from this work.
  • No groupism, tribalism, union, association is allowed to form or practice in the college. Violators will be severely disciplined and may even result to dismissal from the college.
  • No student should talk back aggressively to the authority / faculty in any subject matter.
  • Students are directed not to complain or murmur in their duty assignment, mess and other rules.
  • Any student who is going out of the campus should take permission from the college authority and must sign on the outing register from their respective warden.
  • Any damage of college furniture is to be repaired by the concern student.
  • All the students are encouraged to think for the development of the college.
  • Boys are not allowed to go out on girls outing day and also girls are not allowed to go on boys outing day. If anyone violate they themselves will take responsibility.
  • Student are not allowed to sing loudly inside the hostel room / campus.
  • Only work-scholarship students are allowed to stay during vacation.


  • Application for class leave will be granted only on medical ground which can be done by the Principal/Academic Dean duly forwarded by the hostel warden.
  • Overnight leave can be granted only on medical ground due to serious sickness or unavoidable circumstances.
  • Sick leave must be accompanied with medical doctor’s certificate.
  • Leave application is the prerogative of the college authority.
  • The College authority / faculty / hostel warden have all the right to clarify your whereabout with your parents / Guardians during leave time or outing time.


  • Library will be opened from Monday to Friday during study hours.
  • Name and signature must be recorded in the library book. Student will be held responsible for any loss of books and the same will be made to replace or pay accordingly to the current rate.
  • Students are encouraged to keep the books neat and clean.
  • Only one book is allowed to be taken out by a student for two days with the knowledge of the library incharge.


  • Final exam will be held two times in one academic year. Besides, class test, assignment, monthly test will also be conducted as per the necessity.
  • Failed students have to rewrite in the particular subject with a payment of Rs.300/- per subject.
  • B.Th / M.Div. final student have to choose two topics of their choice for their thesis and submit to the college authority for approval. After getting approval a Thesis containing 15000 words (for B.Th) and 20000 words (for M.Div) in hard bound should be submitted to the office before the final exam.
  • Student who is not writing Thesis have to take extra subjects after payment of course fee –Rs.4000/- (for B.Th) & Rs.4500/- (for M.Div) and submit all the assignments before the final exam.
  • Students have to obtain 40 marks in all subjects to qualify for graduation.
  • Students have to use only Card Board for writing the exam. Mobile or any paper is not allowed inside the exam hall.


  • Fees must be paid 75% of total fees during admission time. Second installment 25 % has to be paid before the first semester exam.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. No claim will be entertained.
  • Family sponsor / church sponsor / individual sponsor have to submit sponsor agreement letter to the college office.
  • All the fees must be paid in full. No deduction will be given.
  • Extra fees / additional fees may be charged from the student as per MLCU guidelines / fees structure.

11. NOTE

  • I promise to obey all the minor and major rules and regulations.
  • I promise not to involve in love affairs and concentrate on my own work.
  • I promise to attend morning devotion, class, chapel service, study hour , night prayer, room devotion and all college program without fail.
  • I promise to attend study hour (afternoon / night) daily without fail.
  • I promise to clear all the fees in time accordingly.
  • I promise to do manual work and all other work entrusted to me.
  • I promise not to murmur for anything or involve in criticizing anything.
  • Above all, Faith Theological College (FTC) is inter-denominational. There is no discrimination between caste, creed, tribe, denomination etc.
  • Note : Amendment can be done from time to time by the college authority as per the necessity.
    I, the undersigned read through all the rules and regulations made by the college authority and I promise
    that I will abide by all the college rules and regulations. If I violate any rules, the college authority can take any
    action against me. Again if I repeat the same thing, I myself will leave the college.